12 Education Business Ideas

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Do you have a background in education or is someone curious about learning and teaching? Have you ever considered leveraging these interests to start your own venture? If so, then this list of education business ideas could be the perfect starting step for you.

Each idea listed below is analyzed based on its characteristics such as its potential impact and market demand. However, we have given more attention to businesses that can be done online or remotely, as we believe that it will be the future of the educational system or at least part of it.

Key Characteristics of Business Ideas in Education: Criteria Table

Here is a table of our criteria to select the best educational business ideas you can start today and in the future.

1. Alignment with Educational Needs and Standards.The business ideas must meet the educational needs and demands of the students and the market.
2. Adapts well with Technological Advancements.The business ideas must be able to adapt to the new technological innovations to better its features.
3. Scalability and ProfitabilityThe business ideas should have a sustainable model that can be profitable for entrepreneurs.

12 Education Business Ideas

1. Educational YouTube Channel

One of the most popular platforms in today’s digital age is YouTube. You can find all types of content here such as vlogs, music videos, infotainment, and more. Because of the sheer amount of its users, which is reportedly about 2.70 billion monthly, an educational YouTube channel will be a great business idea.

You can leverage this channel for engaging content creation and interactive learning for your subscribers. Also, since you are in total control of your business, you can choose any subject or skill set to teach your students and do it in your own way.

Here are a few examples of educational YouTube channels we really like:

  • Khan Academy: Offers comprehensive information on several subjects such as math, science, and humanities.
  • Ted Ed: Provides insightful knowledge and lessons from experts and professionals.
  • CrashCourse: As the name suggests, it is composed of very short videos that aim to educate about multiple topics.
  • The School of Life: Focuses on teaching about life and insights we will only learn outside of school.

Visit a few of them so you can have an idea of what a YouTube channel for educational purposes looks and feels like.

2. Tutoring Services

Tutoring Services

Not all students learn in class with their classmates even if they attend it, also rather not all want to for various reasons. There are also some who prefer personalized learning and can work better with one-on-one support.

This makes tutoring services a great education business idea that can be tailored to individual learning styles. It will help with the academic improvement of students, and the more you help the better its profit potential will be.

3. Online Courses

Online Courses

Developing online courses such as skill development tutorials, explanations of insightful information, or professional development in any way can be a lucrative business. The key to its success is having unique knowledge or simplification of it and creating content that can be consumed from anywhere, making education convenient for all people around the world.

4. Test Prep Coaching

Test Prep Coaching

Test prep coaching is similar to tutoring services as both of their goals are achieving academic success and college readiness. However, with test prep, the focus is not just on passing the exam but on attaining higher test scores on standardized tests.

You can have your own way of teaching and strategic study methods, but the best way is to tailor the test preparation to each student as different individuals will have their own way of understanding and learning the lessons.

5. Educational Podcast

Educational Podcast

Podcasts are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways of consuming content. Some of the reasons are audio learning is a lot more convenient for several occasions such as when you are driving, studying in a library, or at the subway with no internet connection.

It is an on-the-go education where you will have an opportunity for knowledge sharing using your own voice and tone. By exploring topics that can initiate engaging discussion and diverse learning you can easily gain significant subscribers that will allow you to earn more through ads and sponsorships.

Here are a few educational podcasts that are extremely popular today, listen to some of them to learn how an educational podcast is accomplished:

  • Hardcore History: A podcast that dives deep into the analysis of history uniquely.
  • The Tim Ferriss Show: The author of the book “The Four-Hour Work Week” Tim Ferris talks about his advice and insights.
  • Philosophize This!: Teaches philosophical topics as simply as they can to general listeners.

6. Language Teaching/Coaching

Language Teaching

If you want an evergreen field in education as your business foundation then teaching languages can be a great idea. The demand will always be there as languages will never disappear as well as individuals’ interest in learning a new one or bettering their skills in their mother tongue.

An online language-teaching business can be profitable as it will also help students expand their skills and career horizons. Overall, it is a solid choice for a business idea in education.

7. Educational Games and Apps

Education Business Ideas Games and Apps

Another education business idea that might not be common is the development of educational games and apps. As more people gain access to smartphones, tablets, and personal computers, the market for this venture will only grow. Even kids before going to their first day of school have used these devices and have probably played some games, so why not develop one that will both entertain and educate them?

8. Online Private/Charter Schools

Education Business Ideas Online School

Private schools are common, however, an institution that only teaches a niche group of students what you know of and an expert in is not. For this business idea to succeed, it should have a flexible educational setup, and the courses and subjects you are planning to teach them must be unique and valuable in the real world. The educational system is already full of topics that students will not really need in their lives, so be that one teacher who will make a difference.

9. Online Library/Resources

Online Library

It is sad to say but traditional libraries are a thing of the past, and now more and more readers prefer an online library instead of it. There are various reasons why but mainly due to their easy accessibility and the wide range of subjects it contains.

The demand is also there as your clients will not be limited to students but to all types of readers. You can design the business like Netflix’s business model where your customers can have access to all the books for a monthly subscription. However, to keep them they have to be able to gain access to some rare books and newly published ones.

10. Educational Blog

Educational Blog

Blogging as a business idea in education is still very relevant as more people use the web and search engines for the information they want to find out. Its business model is simple, publish articles that contain valuable information that you are an expert in or have credentials, then follow the best guidelines for SEO or search engine optimization for your articles to rank and be found by searchers.

After that, you can display some ads that do not distract readers from the main content as well as some affiliate links to earn some commissions from brands and other companies that are willing to work with you. In the age of digital media, educators can create content such as this very article and share it with a global audience.

11. EdTech Business

Education Business Ideas EdTech

EdTech refers to the use of innovative technology to teach both the current students and the next generation. Opportunities in this field are vast because of how fast science and technology evolve. Soon, we will have gadgets or platforms that make it easier and more fun to teach and learn. It can be with the use of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), or other technology that you can leverage to start a business with.

12. Bookstore or Book Publishing

Education Business Ideas Bookstore

Yes, we have mentioned that a book library is a thing of the past, however, people still buy books, and readers just don’t hang out as much in public libraries aside from the ones in their schools or universities. The majority prefer to read in their own time, at the location of their choosing, most commonly at a cafe, outdoors, or in their own rooms.

No matter how much digital media evolves, it just won’t be as special and satisfying as reading a physical book, smelling its new pages, feeling the texture of the paper, and gradually seeing that bookmark progress. So in conclusion, this educational business idea can still be profitable.

Final Thoughts

Choosing to start a business in education is a great idea that is beneficial not only for you as an aspiring entrepreneur but also to your future customers or students who are curious and interested in learning what you have to offer. Well, the key is that offering should be valuable knowledge that they will be able to use in the real world and help them achieve their own success, only then this venture will be profitable.

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