Which Career Should You Absolutely NOT Pursue? Find Out!

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Yeah, we can’t pursue all types of careers, and neither should we try. So, based on your traits here is a quick and fun quiz to know which careers to avoid!

Careers to Avoid Quiz

#1. Your reaction to being the center of attention:

#2. How do you handle stress?

#3. When it comes to rules and regulations, you:

#4. How do you feel about fitness?

#5. What's your approach to problem-solving?



Stressed Software Developer Surprise! The Quiet Life Isn’t for You. Avoid careers like Writer, Software Developer, or Research Scientist. Instead, find roles where your discipline, resilience, and public presence can shine.


Stressed Doctor

Action-Packed Careers Are Not for You!

Steer clear of the Military, Corporate law, or Surgery. Your creativity and flexibility are better suited for less structured environments.

Reflection on Your Careers to Avoid Quiz Results

There are several careers mentioned in this quiz and the results do not mean you have to totally stay away from them but rather it means you might find those jobs a little bit more challenging than ones that are naturally aligned with your skills and interests.

The quiz basically gave two outcomes that compiled similar careers or at least in the same category when it comes to their physical or intellectual requirements.

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Surprise! The Quiet Life Isn’t for You.

The first one is about careers that require you to sit for 8 hours or more a day, such as a writer, software developer, or research scientist. If you are someone who prefers to move around and socialize with other people then these jobs might not be for you.

Action-Packed Careers Are Not for You!

The other one is careers that require physically taxing jobs such as military or surgeon. Those types of jobs are not for the faint of heart, as they will need someone to be both physically and mentally strong. If you are someone who can’t even walk 10,000 steps every day, this job might be difficult for you to maintain.

Related: What City Should You Actually Live in to Start a Business?

About the Quiz

The quiz above is just a fun and engaging way to find out which careers you should avoid. This does not mean that you can’t change your mind or your personality to suit these careers. Anyone can change, and the same goes for the careers you should avoid.

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