Can You Succeed in the Gig Economy? Only 3% Can Pass This Quiz!

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The gig economy refers to works that are short-term and often contract-based. Only a handful of people can actually succeed in this type of career. If you think you are one of them, then try this quiz out to see if your skills, traits, and mentality will actually fit a gig worker.

Quiz: Can You Succeed in the Gig Economy?

#1. A new digital marketing trend is gaining popularity and is highly requested by clients. You're not familiar with it yet. What's your approach?

#2. End of the month, and funds are low. Your strategy?

#3. A new software becomes essential overnight. You:

#4. A client negotiates lower rates. You:

#5. Imagine you're at a local coffee shop and overhear a conversation about someone needing help with social media marketing, a service you offer. They haven’t noticed you. What’s your next step?

#6. Two fellow freelancers have started offering similar services at a slightly lower price, attracting some of your prospective clients. How do you react to maintain your competitive edge?

#7. A big client suddenly cancels. What’s your move?

#8. You've just completed a graphic design project and received mixed feedback from the client: they love the concept but are not happy with the color scheme. How do you respond?

#9. You're working on a logo design and the client suddenly requests additional formats they hadn't mentioned before, due tomorrow. You already have a full schedule. How do you handle this?

#10. Event tonight. You have no gigs. Do you:



Congratulations, You Can Succeed in the Gig Economy!

Gig Economy Quiz Congratulations on passing this quiz which means that you can actually succeed in the gig economy. You have the right skills, and the strength of mind to work on different jobs, with different clients and actually thrive and not just survive.

Right Now You Will Probably Fail in the Gig Economy.

Failed Gig Economy Quiz

Sorry, you failed this quiz which means that as of right now you probably don’t have the right skills and mindset to face the challenges of the gig economy. It will include working different jobs, with different clients and a whole lot of improvising. You might be more suited to a stable career, so try some more of our career quizzes to find out which one you can really succeed in.

About the Quiz

The quiz above is just a fun and engaging way to assess if you have the right skills and traits to succeed in the world of the gig economy. Only a few percentages of people will actually thrive in pursuing this type of career, so if you pass this quiz, it simply means that you are someone who has a lot of different skills, possibly a jack of all trades, can work by yourself, and be your own boss.

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